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Dear Reader,

I am so happy you are here to learn more about East West Integrative Health Clinic, LLC (aka EWI Health). I feel, for you to understand us, I must take you back a little bit and tell you about how we started. EWI Health was a concept or a feeling I had way back before I even went to medical school, but it started after I had my own health issues and needed to find something different than what was available to me in the conventional healthcare system. In short, I got sick and went to the doctor. The treatment I got helped but was not a solution, was not treating the cause nor treating me as a whole person. The answers I got to my questions were unsatisfactory to me and didn't help me understand my body, my health, and the power, only I have, to help myself and heal. This is when EWI Health started not in name or even as an entity but the spark to create something. It is a place, a home, a space, a collective and an energy to create education, knowledge, guidance, of community of like-minded people wanting to be proactive, take action to evolve, improve and enhance their health and wellness. Your health is more than the diagnoses you have been given, the medications or things you take, it’s a collection of all the things that affect your body (physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically/ spiritually).

When EWI Health was first established in 2010, it was with the intention to be an adjunct to conventional medical care, a bridge to bring the best of conventional medicine with the best of complementary and alternative medicines together. Over the past 12 plus years, we have evolved. We still serve this mission, but we are taking it further. We want to serve and help as many people as we can so they can live their healthiest lives knowing they do have control and can make changes. Change starts with awareness and then taking action along with knowledge, guidance and confidence in the course. We have seen over many years of training and clinical experience that there must be a foundation to everyone's health that you can build and grow from. This foundation encompasses the pillars of health: detoxification, nutrition, fitness/ activity, hormones, and mentorship. Our mission is to help people to align these pillars of health and gain the necessary tools to obtain health independence. Too often, we want to give that decision or responsibility for our health and wellness to someone else, because we don't feel well, it's hard, we don't have time, etc.... But I want to remind you, you know your body best. The master of your health is you and no one else.

We have evolved and as life and our journey to provide our practice members with the best of conventional and complimentary & alternative medicines continues, we also will continue our focus on helping people build their foundation of health to live their best lives. We will acknowledge the healing power of nature, identify, and treat the cause, treat the whole the person, to first do no harm, doctor is teacher, and prevention or being proactive is the best medicine. I like to think our role for you is to be your guide or navigation system to determine the route you are going to get to your health and wellness destination, in other words, be your 'HealthGPS.'

If our story, resonates with you and you are ready to see how we can work together, reach out to us and let's get the conversation started.

In health,
Dr. Lisa Rosenberger

About Dr. Rosenberger

Dr. Lisa Rosenberger is a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) and Licensed Acupuncturist (LAc). She is deeply committed to the philosophy, principles and practices of integrative and Naturopathic healthcare. She believes the bodies are made to heal on their own and any route to optimal health & function will involve removing the interferences and obstacles that people encounter regularly.

At East West Integrative Health Clinic in Branford, CT, she treats many different health concerns that men and women encounter including hormone imbalances, autoimmune diseases, digestive disorders, pain conditions, cardiometabolic issues and obesity. She specializes in Integrative Internal Medicine and bringing both Conventional and Complementary & Alternative Medicine philosophies and therapies together.

In 2008, she graduated with honors from the National College of Natural Medicine in Portland, OR, and completed two residencies in integrative & general medicine. Following the residencies, Dr, Rosenberger was a NIH-funded research fellow at the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center in Derby, Connecticut.

For the very best in Naturopathic & Integrative medical care, call 203.915. 9125 or text us 475.252.8383.

Body & mind balance

Healthy daily life

Meditation practice

Yoga month challenge



17/05/16 - 01:00pm - 03:00pm

17/05/16 - 01:00pm - 03:00pm

19/05/16 - 01:00pm - 03:00pm

17/05/16 - 01:00pm - 03:00pm

17/05/16 - 01:00pm - 03:00pm

19/05/16 - 01:00pm - 03:00pm



One-time lesson


for beginners

Includes Yoga, Fitness nominated group exercise classes & swimming. A perfect program for beginners, who are eager to lead a healthier lifestyle and consider their options.

Weekly card


for 1 week

Includes advanced yoga classes with our most experienced coaches. This type of membership is perfect for starters. For people, who are not sure what to do with their schedule or workout routine yet.

Monthly card


for 1 month

Includes advanced yoga classes with our top coaches. It`s the most optimal type of a card for anyone, with a tight schedule. With a monthly plan, you`ll be on time everywhere!

Our trainers

Certified Fall 2005

Dave has been practicing yoga for 12 years, and teaching in San Diego for over 10 years. Bikram says that it takes 10 years for one to become a true Bikram Yoga Teacher and Dave is there... Dave`s great personality, sense of humor, and way with words make those 90 minutes in the hot room seem like a piece of cake.

Certified Spring 2008

Nelia has been practicing Yang - style Tai Chi for over 10 years. She trained one - on - one from 2002 to 2007 with Howard Tseng, a certified Tai Chi master in Taiwan and in California(San Francisco Bay Area). She was a teaching assistant to Howard for about a year in 2007 and 2008 before moving to San Diego.

Certified Fall 1997

Yoga found Richard in the late 90s and he has explored and enjoyed various styles of yoga in the years since then. He holds a degree in anthropology and yoga allows him to blend his interest in the broad range of human experience with his love for physical movement. His classes incorporate his formal training in Anusara.

Latest class video

Ashtanga Yoga

Our Media